Luanne Hunt – If You See Peace

“If You See Peace” is a new track that has just been released as part of Luanne Hunt’s most recent album, “Miles & Memories”. I can tell you now, it is a track not to miss, and needs to be heard.

Luanne Hunt has been working tirelessly at her music career for over twenty years now, with some of her tracks becoming number one across the world. She is undoubtedly an incredible artist, who just keeps getting better and better.

“If You See Peace” is a soft, melodic piano-led track that is just stunning. The little intro will straight away have you engrossed, as the music almost just whisks you away from the world, and into a place of peace.

As soon as Luanne’s vocals kick in, you will see just how talented she is. She has a very euphonious voice and wide vocal range, and really, she is just stunning.

This piano tune deserves so much recognition. So, what are you waiting for? Click the link below and give, “If You See Peace” by Luanne Hunt a little listen to now!

This review is the property of The Music Asylum

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