Miss Freddye – Slippin’ Away

Miss Freddye’s newest single, “Slippin’ Away” is out now, and I can assure you, this is not one to miss.

Kicking off with a beautiful, piano led intro, we are soon welcomed to an upbeat, blues track. This kind of music is not usually my cup of tea, however this track is just incredible and amazing. The musical talent to this track is unreal, and combined with Miss Freddye’s voice we have a true masterpiece.

There is no denying that Miss Freddye has an amazing voice, in fact one of the best voices I have ever heard. She sings with such power and sass, and I just love her.

“Slippin’ Away” is a track that can be loved by anyone, you, your mum, your, brother or even your grandparents. So, be sure to head over to Spotify and give this brilliant, heartfelt track a little listen to now!

This review is the property of The Music Asylum

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