Kelsie Kimberlin – The Drawer EP Review

“The Drawer” is a brand-new EP, that has been released by the incredible Kelsie Kimberlin, and I cannot wait to share this one with you all.

Kelsie Kimberlin is an American/Ukrainian, talented artist, who has been releasing some amazing pieces over the past few years. She is climbing the way to the top, with her meaningful, and inspirational music. Kelsie has been involved with music since a little girl, where she would participate in choirs, and spent a lot of her time in music studios.

“The Drawer” consists of eight, different tracks, where each and every one of them is amazing. Some of the tracks on here, we have heard before, and some are brand-new!

Kicking it off, we have the title track, “The Drawer”. This is the perfect start to the collection without a doubt. This one is quite slow, and melodic, however it is still amazing. This track enables Kelsie’s vocals to really shine, and she does exactly that, shine. She honestly has one of the most beautiful voices I have heard, she sings with such meaning and emotion, and I just cannot fault her at all.

One track that really caught my attention was, “Meet Me Anywhere”. This one is quite upbeat, and just makes you want to groove along. The beat is catchy, and its uniqueness makes it even better. There is no denying that Kelsie can do it all!

Another track that I loved was, “Summertime’s Gone”. This is, of course, another beautiful, amazing tune. Kelsie’s soft vocals are brilliant in this one. She has a voice of an angel, and I just love her!

And to finish the album we have, “Recovery”. This is the perfect end to the perfect album. This one is quite intriguing and very unique. The music has a catchy beat to it, and Kelsie’s singing is brilliant as usual.

“The Drawer” is a fantastic EP, full of talent, and skill. This EP is one that can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. So, be sure to check it out and give Kelsie Kimberlin the love and support that she deserves! 

This review is the property of The Music Asylum

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